Membership Categories: Roles, Responsibilities, and Benefits

GoodHands Association recognizes the diverse ways individuals, organizations, and communities can contribute to its mission. Below is a detailed overview of the membership categories, their roles, and the benefits they provide:

Active Member

Description: Active Members are individuals who play a vital role in shaping the Association’s initiatives. Their contributions involve active participation in projects, decision-making, and the governance of GoodHands.
Actively participate in Association meetings and projects.
Contribute ideas, feedback, and expertise to drive initiatives forward.
Uphold the values and mission of GoodHands.
Voting rights on key Association decisions.
Opportunities to lead or co-lead initiatives.
Recognition as a core member of GoodHands.

Corporate Member

Description: Corporate Members include businesses and organizations that collaborate with GoodHands on impactful projects. They bring resources, expertise, and strategic support to the Association.
Engage in collaborative projects and initiatives.
Provide resources such as funding, equipment, or expertise.
Promote the Association’s mission within their networks.
Voting rights in Association decisions.
Public acknowledgment on GoodHands’ platforms.
Networking opportunities with other members and partners.

Support Member

Description: Support Members are non-voting contributors who provide valuable support to the Association. This category includes students, grassroots groups, and individuals who align with GoodHands’ mission but may not be actively involved in decision-making processes.
Advocate for GoodHands’ mission in their communities.
Participate in programs, campaigns, or volunteer opportunities.
Access to resources, events, and newsletters.
Opportunities to transition to Active Membership if desired.

Partner Member

Description: Partner Members are organizations or institutions that offer significant resources or expertise to advance shared goals. They are instrumental in implementing large-scale initiatives and fostering sustainable impact.
Collaborate on projects with measurable outcomes.
Provide strategic input and resources.
Act as ambassadors for the GoodHands mission.
High visibility in Association publications and events.
Opportunities to influence strategic direction.
Exclusive access to partnership opportunities.

Honorary Member

Description: Honorary Members are distinguished individuals recognized for their exceptional contributions to the GoodHands mission. These members are granted voting rights without the obligation of fees.
Serve as advocates and ambassadors for GoodHands.
Provide guidance and mentorship to other members.
Lifetime voting rights.
Recognition as a key figure in GoodHands’ history.
Opportunities to participate in high-level discussions and initiatives.

To become a member, please visit or contact us at Let’s work together to empower communities and create a brighter future!