GoodHands Community, Coalition for Education and Empowerment

With its driven members, an innovative and powerful coalition can improve lives worldwide

A social network for the nonprofit GoodHands International, which is also active on social media, is called the GoodHands Community. The objective is to disseminate socially conscious knowledge and establish relationships with progressive individuals, groups, and businesses that share a common interest in empowering disadvantaged people to have better futures. The GoodHands Community is a global coalition in favor of empowerment and free education because of this.

We welcome your support in disseminating our information so the coalition network can grow

The main cause of hunger and poverty is illiteracy and lack of education. There is no free public education offered in many developing nations. It is common knowledge that those in poverty cannot afford school fees, books, writing supplies, uniforms, food, or transportation. This clarifies why those who lack literacy are unable to improve their situation in life. There are still about 780 million illiterate adults in the globe, mostly women, despite the fact that literacy rates have been steadily rising over the past 50 years.

For those in need, free basic education

The large number of impoverished people can benefit from free basic education. New learning initiatives from GoodHands don't require paid teachers, school supplies, or other expenses. To avoid transportation costs, learning centers should be located in or close to the areas of extreme poverty. The weekly classes and activities don't take much time because the daily food procurement leaves the impoverished with little free time.

Educational cooperation with international communities

Collaborating with the leadership of urban and rural communities, villages, and refugee camps where there is a pressing need for education and skill improvement is the most effective approach to spread learning services. Communities can give their citizens access to free education, which is the cornerstone of a brighter future and increasing quality of life, by working together. Setting up a GoodHands learning center has also administrative advantages for the local community management.

Studying the official language of the country as a second language

A sizable portion of the impoverished populace, especially in emerging nations, only knows and speaks a regional dialect rather than the official national language. This is a well-known disadvantage in the workplace and in public life. The GoodHands learning packages include national major languages as a second language because of this. However, learning a second language can also be accomplished by combining primary languages like Spanish and English. Regular immigration and refugee camps have this opportunity.

Offline digital learning approach

In digital learning, student teams do exercises using a PowerPoint presentation with audio in two languages and a recorded teacher's voice. Basic English as a second language uses more than 1,000 words. Mathematics, writing and reading are also part of our lessons. It takes significantly less time to learn 1,000 words through digital lessons than at school. The duration for learning English is usually 2 x 3 hours per week. Digital learning is also used for other areas of knowledge and skills.

Like and follow the GoodHands Community Group on Facebook to stay updated

We have created a new Facebook group that is open to the public and accessible to non-members as well. If you share our objectives, you are welcome to join us as a new follower and see our informative newsletters. Invite people to become a part of the Global Coalition for Empowerment and Free Education by using the Invite button. With your assistance, our organization should expand swiftly to facilitate cross-border project cooperation.
Visitors who are not members are also welcome to view and read in the Facebook public group.